Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dragonmaw outfit

The outfit I wore during my leveling of the Dragonmaw Clan reputation.

On Vashj'ir Abyssal Seahorse

Head: Melia's Lustrous Crown
Shoulder: Mantle of Darkness, beautiful piece, there's blood moving around inside of them.
Back: Warmaul Defender's Cloak
Chest: Burnt Leather Vest, I just chose it for it being sleeveless since the tabard hides the chest piece.
Shirt: Ebon Filigreed Doublet
Tabard: Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan
Hands: Bat Fur Mitts, useful  gloves, they fit with several outfits.
Waist: Burning Blade Devotee's Cinch, it stands out but I like it. :)
Legs: Ice Avatar Legguards
Feet: Molten Blood Footpads
Weapon: Voodoo Hex-Staff or this one that I acquired afterwards: Bloodfire Greatstaff

Roaring among the Clan's war machines,
with the new staff and a new haircut.

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