Monday, October 8, 2012


This is the outfit I had prepared for Pirate's Day.

Head: Warp-Raider's Eyepatch (reward from It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart), it has a nice skull design ^_^
Shoulder: Gahrron's Shoulderguard (reward from Memories from a Lost Past)
Chest: Burnt Leather Vest (world drop)
Shirt: White Swashbuckler's Shirt (tailoring, taught by trainer), it was perfect for a pirate (thus its name) thanks to its puffy sleeve but all the bracers flattened them :(
Hands: Bandit Gloves (world drop), I was going for short gloves that would let the sleeves show until I noticed the bracers' effect.
Waist: Bandit Cinch (drop)
Legs: Saber Leggings (not available? I bought it just before MoP release from Kris Legace but now it seems to have been removed...)
Feet: Bandit Boots (world drop)
Weapon: Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer (drop from Illidan Stormrage)

Piraty mounts
Ground mount: Black Wolf (vendor)

Flying mount: Red Proto-Drake (achievement)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Anraphet's Regalia

The Anraphet's Regalia is a cloth set that I wore when still leveling through the Cataclysm quests. I really loved its colours with the small detail of green diamonds. It took me some time to part with it before I really came to need the inventory space for leather items that I would actually be able to transmogrify on my druid.
Here I added the cape: Mantle of Desire and the staff Spire of Defiance (that has a notable purple scarab) and since I didn't have the right gloves I used a leather piece: Heavyhand's Gloves.

The mount: the faithful Brown Riding Camel that would accompany the adventurer through the burning and dry desert. It becomes available upon reaching Exalted with the Ramkahen faction at the vendor Balcksmith Abasi along with the Tan Riding Camel.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Twilight Cultist

    While in Silithus and retrieving Encrypted Twilight Texts for Hermit Ortell (after a chain of quests, he starts True Believers which rewards Decoded True Believers Clippings containing blacksmithing and tailoring patterns) or Bor Wildmane (returning the texts to him gives reputation with the Cenarion Circle) I was able to collect several Twilight Trappings sets (only one of the items was rarer than the two others, I'm not sure which one it was). It's supposed to give an evil aura from the description, but even though it is not visible it does have this feel. Unfortunately, since these cloth items don't get soulbound, they cannot be used for transmogrification.

Head: Twilight Cultist Cowl
Shoulder: Twilight Cultist Mantle
Back: Mantle of Desire
Chest: Twilight Cultist Robe
Shirt: Ebon Filigreed Doublet
Hands: Bat Fur Mitts
Waist: Deathmage Sash
Weapon: Crystalfire Staff

The appropriate mount in name: the beautiful Twilight Drake.
In addition to this outfit, there is a quest, Dressed to Kill, in Twilight Highlands, that permits us to disguise into a twilight's hammer cultist.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fang of the Kirin Tor

An outfit made around the tabard of the Kirin Tor. It is based on the Embrace of the Viper set (chest, belt, gloves and legs). It's far from the mage spirit of the Kirin Tor, it gives more a feel of a troll druid still tapping into voodoo magic from time to time. =)

Head: Replica Wildheart Cowl
Shoulder: Mantle of the Dusk-Dweller or Runetotem's Mantle
Back: Cloak of Woven Energy
Chest: Armor of the Fang
Hands: Gloves of the Fang
Waist: Belt of the Fang
Legs: Leggings of the Fang
Feet: Replica Wildheart Boots
Weapon: Staff of Beasts

The Merciless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders are new shoulders that I got which suit the outfit.

They have red flowers sprouting out of them.

A better match would be the Runetotem's Mantle that I still
need to get from Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Cavern.
The flowers sprouting are purple and the wood 
is in a clearer shade.
The shirt in the pictures above is the Lavender Mageweave Shirt. Its colour matches, but the overall look on my troll was better without it.

I also have a two-handed mace, the Hammer of Grief, that nicely matches the colours of the tabard, but this type of weapon is of no use to my druid, it might be better suited for a mail or plate wearer. I just read that this hammer has the same model as The Scepter of the Shifting Sands that was used for opening the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj by banging the Scarab Gong with it.

A purple mount that goes with the skeletal theme of the staff, the Purple Skeletal Warhorse.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Orange Trollish Outfit

This is a cool fresh summery outfit suited to the troll culture. I didn't want the whole to seem too "light", so I chose some imposing shoulders.
Back: Inferno Cloak 
Chest: Nether Vest 
Waist: Molten Belt 

The Flameward Hyppogryph is the mount sent by mail as a gift from Malfurion Stormrage upon completing the quests related to The Molten Front Offensive achievement. It suits this outfit perfectly.

Silvermoon Tabard

The Silvermoon reputation was the last one to reach the Exalted stage amongst the Classic Horde ones. As it was displeasing in the first place for a troll to be a representative of the Blood Elves faction, an outfit was chosen accordingly...
Blackrock Depths - Replacing Emperor Dagran Thaurissan on his throne and solemnly... ready to go to the circus!
Head: Cutthroat's Hat
Shoulder: Bonechewer Shoulderguards
Back: Warmaul Defender's Cloak
Chest: Bonechewer Chestpiece
Shirt: Scarlet Filigreed Doublet
Tabard: Silvermoon City Tabard
Hands: Runic Leather Gauntlets
Waist: Burning Blade Devotee's Cinch
Legs: Ghostclaw Leggings
Feet: Moonstrider Boots, the blue end of the boots doesn't show on my troll.
Weapon: Glowing Brightwood Staff

Below the outfit clearly shown (the helmet was automatically hidden) while I was transformed into a Dragonmaw orc in Netherstorm. Fierce!

As soon as I finished leveling up the reputation I sold the helmet and leggings as those were two pieces that didn't fit my troll at all.